A mysterious investigation into candy stolen from children hides a much more insidious job for Tony Tough, private investigator in the service of the prestigious Wallen & Wallen agency.
What do ALIEN KIDNAPPING, ENIGMATIC INVESTIGATIONS and MOUNTAINS OF DIRT have in common, in addition to the letter "A"? Find out with Tony Tough on the most embarrassing night of his life!
Have you tried for years to demonstrate the true intent of the postman and the milkman? Are you convinced that the last two generations of cats in the neighborhood have been served in the most luxurious restaurants in the center and that the gloomy neighbor spying on you from the window has actually been filled before your arrival in the city? Are you still fighting the battle to eradicate bad smells from your favorite teddy bear? So what you now have in your hands is the mystery for you: a challenge to win, an adventure to solve, a journey of Dante in the night of the witches.
Dreaming of emulating Lucas' great adventures and giving a personal vision of what a point-and-click adventure would have been like in the late 1990s, Roasted Moths represents the true essence of Tony Toughâ„¢: a project born of passion of a small team of teenagers with many dreams and no money.
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